Sunday, March 15, 2009

Featured Spinner of the week Pen Ninja

Pen Ninja saw the popular Japen video on youtube and decided that he wanted to be better.When asked "what makes you a good spinner?" He said "practice and a love for pen spinning."and "a total hate for my teachers telling me to stop." (lol)When asked "Spinners are known for there unique names, what inspired yours?" he said "Ninjas and Pens......but mainly Ninjas." Pen Ninja has acomplished what most of us spinners dream about.Becoming great in a relatively short amount of time, but like he said it's all about practice and the love it. Great words from a great spinner.
Pen Ninja is 16 years old. His favorite trick is the Ring Middle bak 1.5.Hes from West Australia and his favourite spinner is Errior. He started spinning in mid-late 2007.His favourite mod is the Bonkura Kt.

Heres his awesome vid.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Music to spin to?

I've noticed that almost all music that people pen spin to is some weird techno/pop combo. I realy don't agree with it, I mean why spin to techno when theres so much awesome music. I understand that the techno sounds futuristicly <----(not a word)cool and penspinning seems a little futuristic. But why not spin to some more hardcore metal or maybe a little Queen(thats my idea don't take). I'm just asking for some variety.

Someone needs to spin to this. ^__^

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Girls in the PS Community.

I wanted to get the perspective of a female who pen spins so I asked Kari-Chan,a 16 year old penspinner from Singapore and resides in Australia, a few questions on being a girl and spinning pens.These are the questions and Her answers.

1. Do you think there is any sexism in pen spinning?
No. Both guys and girls have hands. The only reason why there are more guys who pen spin is because girls are the chatty type. They prefer to be on MySpace or Facebook etc. (not me xD) There is nothing that differenciate the fact that both hands were made the same...

2. As a girl what kind of reactions do you get for spinning?
Usually, we tend to get more attention since there are hardly any girls who pen spin but they sometimes tend to have a "line" as in 'you're pretty good for a girl' or something like that...

3. Does the UPSB comunity treat you differently?
Apart from the fact that they talk to me because i'm a girl... no i don't think so xD

4. What inspired or jumpstarted your need to pen spin?
I saw my (girl) friend doing a sonic and a charge and i learnt those then i learnt the thumbaround from my bro but i didn't start pen spinning seriously yet. It took me another year to find UPSB and find Eso's tutorials and made it easier to learn =)

5. What do teachers say about your pen spinning?
Only a few teachers (those really funny kind) say "She's really good isn't she?" etc. and they do a "fingerpass" without a pen... palm up xD

6. What do females around you think of your penspinning?
(School) They're... more into chatting to each other xD

7.How do males around you view your penspinning skills?:P
"Look she's so good at spinning pens" or something along those lines =)

After wathcing some her videos I immediately decided she was my new favorite spinner i mean "girls got skillz" you can find them in this link to her channel on youtube

This is one of her amazing videos "The chop sticks charge is awesome"

Why do we spin pens?

"because im bored and it looks good and i do it mostly to impress people."-Glamouraz

"to get better"-Pen Ninja

I think the reason we spin pens is because other people cant. I know the first time I saw it I knew i couldnt do it, but after I learned one trick i realised its just practice that you need. But both Pen Ninja and Glamouraz are right we spin to get better and because its flashy and other people cant do it. It makes us unique and individual. This is what teenagers love(most atleast)Individuality. So some people think that penspinning is stupid its probably because they havent tried it and if they did it was probably a very epic fail. So what have we learned; 1. we spin to get better. 2. we spin because were bored and it looks cool. 3. we also do it to impress people with its flash. :P

heres ur random awesome vid.

Featured Spinner of the week ICEPRAY

The reason Icepray is our first featured spinner is because he has what all Spinners aspire to have "skill" his movements are fluid and his videos and tuts are amazing. Heres a little bit of his back ground. lool_(o.o)_lool

Icepray is 18 years old and lives in Switzerland. He's a Swiss born American. His nationality is Indian and is a well known penspinner. He has been spinning since March 2007. His favorite pen mods are the Japanese pencil mod and His Ballsign. His favorite tricks are warped sonics. this is his latest video